
88 lines
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2023-12-02 11:05:05 -05:00
from functools import reduce
from operator import mul as multiply
from pprint import pprint
import sys
def parse_raw_input(lines):
input_lines = [
line.strip().split("; ")
for line in lines
line_map = {}
for line in input_lines:
game_id, first_game = line[0].split(": ")
int_id = int(game_id.split(" ")[-1])
line_map[int_id] = [first_game] + line[1:]
return line_map
def input_to_game_lists(input_lines):
games = {
id: [
{pieces[1]: pieces[0]}
for game in line
for color in game.split(", ")
if (pieces := color.split(" "))
for id, line in input_lines.items()
summed_games = {}
for id, line in games.items():
state = {"red": [], "blue": [], "green": []}
for game in line:
key = list(game.keys())[0]
value = game[key]
summed_games[id] = state
return summed_games
def part1(input_lines):
summed_games = input_to_game_lists(input_lines)
filtered_games = {}
for id, game in summed_games.items():
if (
all(x <= 12 for x in game["red"])
and all(x <= 13 for x in game["green"])
and all(x <= 14 for x in game["blue"])
filtered_games[id] = game
print(sum(id for id in filtered_games))
def part2(input_lines):
summed_games = input_to_game_lists(input_lines)
maxed_games = {
id : {
k : max(v)
for k, v in game.items()
for id, game in summed_games.items()
powers = {
id: reduce(multiply, game.values())
for id, game in maxed_games.items()
input_file = sys.argv[1]
with open(input_file) as infile:
input_lines = parse_raw_input(infile.readlines())