2 changed files with 3 additions and 1 deletions
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ The following icons are supported, please make sure the `name` filed is exactly
| `stackoverflow` | `telegram` | `twitter` | `youtube` |
| `shutterstock` | `freepik` | `adobestock` | `123rf` |
| `dreamstime` | `dribbble` | `behance` | `paypal` |
| `twitch` | `qq` | `mastodon` | |
| `twitch` | `qq` | `mastodon` | `discord` |
If that's not enough, you can see [Overriding templates](#overriding-templates) section.
@ -50,6 +50,8 @@
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{{- else if (eq .name "scrollup") -}}
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{{- else if (eq .name "discord") -}}
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{{- else -}}
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{{- end -}}
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